Ancelotti has no plans to retire anytime soon.

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Carlo Ancelotti insists he will stay as coach as long as the passion for the job is not quenched after a career spanning three decades

Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti, who turned 65 in June, has insisted he will continue to coach as long as he has the passion he has had since taking up the role some 30 years ago, Sky Italia reported on Saturday. 

‘There is no life without a little bit of pressure or stress. Too much stress, but a little bit of it, is fuel. The days I don’t have excitement before a game are the days I have to stop. Before a game, there is anxiety, there is a negative feeling, thinking it’s not going to be good, they’re going to score. When the game starts, everything stops. So you have to find the calm to deal with the game situation. ‘

‘I will continue to coach until the flame of football burns out. There are good things in my life, some difficult times, but my life is normal. I’m lucky to have a job that is my passion. I’m grateful to football for giving me this opportunity.’

‘I still feel nervous before games, I feel the pressure and as long as it doesn’t change I will continue to work here. I see myself as a coach for a long time, yeah.’

From the famous photo with a cigar on Real Madrid’s open-top bus celebrating their latest success, Ancelotti has been showered with gifts but admits that was the only time he has ever smoked a cigar and the celebrations are just another example of the special bond he builds with his players, one that many coaches envy.

‘It’s a job that requires a lot of energy and responsibility. I choose the training times, who I choose to play, but at the end of the day it’s the relationships between people that are the most important thing. Sometimes I ask the players, ‘Who are you?’ and they say, ‘I’m a player.’ And I tell them, ‘No, you’re a footballer.’

‘I try to relate to them both on a personal and professional level because this way you get better performance from the professionals. It’s not easy Promotion Ufabet because the players always want to play and only 11 do it, 15 go to the games, but if you manage to build good personal relationships with them, that helps you to do your job better. You have to be honest with others,’ the 65-year-old coach said.