Rehabilitation medicine for stroke patients

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Rehabilitation medicine for stroke patients.

Stroke patients therefore need to receive prompt and continuous physical rehabilitation. In order able to return to normal life Rehabilitation medicine for stroke patients can divide into 3 stages: acute stage, recovery stage, and stabilization stage. Report from ยูฟ่าเบท

1) Acute phase

                    It is 1-2 weeks after having a stroke. Rehabilitation therapy begins while the patient is still in bed to prevent muscle contractions. adhesion of joints and prepare the body for the next stage of rehabilitation. But before undergoing rehabilitation therapy Patients must receive a diagnosis from a doctor to evaluate their physical health and symptoms. The doctor and physical therapist will work together to set goals for rehabilitation. and continue to provide rehabilitation therapy to patients as planned

2) Recovery period

                    After the acute period has passed The patient will begin to stabilize. and may sit for long periods of time. During this time, rehabilitation treatment can perform at a rehabilitation center or specialized physical therapy department. Intensive rehabilitation therapy will performe according to the rehabilitation plan that the doctor has prescribed for each patient.

3) stability period

                    When the recovery period has passed Patients generally have better recovery. But if it cannot restore to normal. There is a high chance. That the symptoms are impaired or Disability will last a lifetime. Therefore, when the patient is released from the hospital and returns home. Therefore, rehabilitation treatment must done at home. or at a specialized hospital continuously for the rest of your life In order to maintain that capacity forever.